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The LIVE YOUR DREAM AWARD assists women who provide the primary source of financial support for their families by giving them the resources they need to improve their education, employment prospects

and standard of living.


Each year Soroptimist International awards more than $1.6 million in education grants, to over 1,600 women; many who have overcome enormous obstacles including poverty, domestic violence and/or drug and alcohol abuse. The Live Your Dream Award recipients may use the cash award to offset any costs associated with their efforts to attain higher education, such as tuition, books, childcare, and transportation.


In addition to providing the primary financial support for their families, eligible applicants must be enrolled in, or have been accepted to, a vocational/skills training program or an undergraduate degree program, and must demonstrate financial need. 


If you qualify and live in Soroptimist International North San Diego’s service area we encourage you to apply for one of our $1,000 Live Your Dream awards.  The application period is from July 1 to November 15. 


Local award recipients are eligible for region-level awards of $3,000 or $5,000, and regional award recipients then become eligible to receive one of three international-level awards of $10,000.


Since the Soroptimist International scholarship award program began in 1972, about $30 million in education grants have been disbursed to assist tens of thousands of women to achieve their dreams of a better life for themselves and their families!


SINSD is strongly motivated to empower women through education. Continue the Dream provides women who were strong LYD candidates and could have made excellent use of an award but did not meet the strict guidelines or timing requirements.  


Some of the situations it covers include:

  • Moms in, or graduating from, our Transitional Housing Program who require training or need to continue their education to become independent of an abusive partner.  Their enrollment and need for related funding are often immediate and urgent.

  • Women missing out because the LYD application cycle does not align with the school sessions or graduation calendar (e.g., trade school programs or December graduations).

  • Prior LYD awardees who require continued financial assistance to remain in school.  


If you qualify and live in Soroptimist International North San Diego’s service area we encourage you to apply for one of our Continue The Dream awards.  Applications and awards are available year-round. 

BEGIN YOUR DREAM AWARDis a Soroptimist International North San Diego (SINSD) Big Goal Accelerator Program that extends access to education to more women and girls facing obstacles. In attracting applicants to Live Your Dream, we identified underserved women in our community who were strong candidates for support but did not fully meet the requirements of LYD or Continue the Dream (CTD).  Begin Your Dream formalizes the process for supporting additional deserving women and girls on their path to becoming educated and economically empowered.  In turn, we are able to make a larger impact on the Soroptimist-Wide Big Goal Accelerator Project.

Congratulations, Miriam Leon 


     Congratulations to our 2021 Live Your Dream Award winner, Miriam Leon! Miriam is passionate about her education and is determined to break the cycle of violence her family has endured for years. Miriam’s goal is to lead by example as she continues the completion of her Bachelor of Nursing degree to become a bilingual Neonatal Nurse and she hopes to inspire other women so they too can discover that education is the key to empowerment and freedom from violence.  

     Miriam has gone on to receive an additional award at the regional level and states that both awards will help her achieve her dreams. She is extremely grateful and hopes to someday be a mentor and patient advocate for other women and for children with language barriers in the healthcare setting.

     Way to go Miriam! We are so proud of you and know that you will achieve all your dreams. We are always here to support your journey!

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