International of North San Diego
Investing in Dreams
A global volunteer organization working to improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment.
Started in 2011, Soroptimists Together Against Trafficking (STAT!) is a collaborative group of
Soroptimist clubs in San Diego County. The mission of STAT! is to address the needs of local victims and educate parents, teens and the public about the risk of human trafficking, pimping and sexual slavery.
A few accomplishments to date:
Hosts STAT! Salutes Our Mission Heroes each January to recognize individuals, businesses, and organizations taking a stand against modern-day slavery.
Presents films and documentaries to raise public awareness of human trafficking in San Diego County. Events are open to the public and include a panel discussion with law enforcement, prosecution, victim services and highlight preventive measures.
Fund small grants to victim services providers.
Together with The Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition, posts information about human trafficking on San Diego trolley blue line to the border.
Collected signatures and walked to support Proposition 35 which passed with historic 81.3% approval of the California legislature.
Redesigned the San Diego Police Interview room to provide a warm, safe and inviting environment for victims to recover and share their experiences with police in pursuit of exploiters.
STAT! meets monthly and on a quarterly basis to present special trafficking events.
Learn more about STAT! in San Diego at info@statsandiego.org
For more information about STAT! America go to Soroptimists STOP Trafficking.